Random ramblings from one girls life
Sunday, March 19, 2006
oxfordian adventures
hey guys, i made it to another internet place today . . much cheaper than before. Anyway its been a blast so far seeing this city. I adjusted pretty well to the time difference . . especially when i can sleep in until 10am! :)

yesterday we went exploring the city again. LauraBeth and I met up with Jamie, and two guys from moorhead to walk down the the main buisness area (carfax) We picked up some nessecities (boys needed shampoo) then just went browsing. I got a great Monet print which keeps falling off of my wall in the dorms. I also got some post cards but they are going to have to wait a while to get out because the post office won't be open until tomorrow. We ran around taking pictures for a while throuhout the whole thing. I got some great pics of broad street, and brasenose lane. We also went aroudn in the bodilian library [IMG]http://www.ox.ac.uk/i/aboutoxford/divschool.jpg[/IMG] and the Church of Mary the Virgin.. [IMG]http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/in-thefootsteps-bibletrans/Footsteps,%20resized/oxford-st-mary-virgin-(1)-b.jpg[/IMG]

Today we woke up later, decided to be heathens (by not going to church) and greeted the much improved weather conditions outside. Intstead of being overcast, windy and cold, it is now sunny and mid 40s in temperature. Also LauraBeth spotted a pheasent in the garden outside our room this morning. Kinda weird to see those just walking around in a city.

Our room is super cute. we rearranged some of it to make is more homey, and added the two posters on the wall (which keep falling and attacking us) But it feels strangly normal here. OUr room pretty much feels like home, and once we get used to the food everything will be perfect!

ANyway i hope everybody is doing well and is home safe and sound from all their spring break adventures. Send me an e-mail or comment if you can. Miss you all!

posted by @ 6:12 AM  


  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger andi said…

    so i just had an "i'm a movie star" moment:


    you've made the script page too!

    hope all is going well...

    ps: your birds are still alive, and i have the house all to myself for the rest of the week!


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