Random ramblings from one girls life
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Goodbye little car
My car is dying It started with a low coolent light last week, and this week I found out that the head gasket needs to be replaced. Since repairing that would cost the same as the car is worth (1500-2000), I don't think dad is planning on fixing it. Especially since the head gasket was replaced just 2 years ago.
I don't know when or how I'm getting another car, with me being 6 hours away from my parents and its harvest time on the farm so no one has time to drive down a car for me in the meantime, or any way to get my car back home (even if dad is planning on repair it himself).

* disclaimer, picture stolen off the internet, actual car is much more beat up and comes complete with a dog hair covered blanket in the back.

Poor little car, I remember getting you and how excited I was to have a bright red car, even if it didn't have any radio. You had wonderful leather seats that were burning hot in summer, icy cold in winter, but stood up to the dog nails in the back seat. We've had some great adventures throughout undergrad and grad school, you've gotten me through some really scary blizzards and thunderstorms. Gracie has taken many a nap on our many a roadtrip, and i've packed you to the max while moving multiple times. I've loved driving you, even though your odometer didn't work, you refused to start after installing your autostart, your gas gauge was way off, and you got me pulled over twice before I figured out that the odometer was off as well. Or my favoritie: when the turning signals decided to stop working randomly causing me to hold the lever at odd angles to get it to blink.

Don't worry little car, I won't forget you, and you'll stay nice and warm in my garage until we figure out what the next step is.
posted by @ 10:05 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ah school
um yeah busy

I currently have: Bacteriology, parasitology, pharmacology, pathology, prof skills, clin skills, and Repo. Most aren't bad, but the 1st 3 classes in the list consist of memorizing (i mean learning) about 50-100 new names and then describing the diseases they cause/cure, what species they are in/used in, what can treat those conditions, what not to use, ect. ect.

And the best part--> its only going to get more crazy!! next semester is rumored to be the worst of vet school, i guess we'll see.

I have made time to have some fun:

i've been catching up with old friends, working with dog training group, an officer of Canine club, and jsut in general not freaking out too much over the semester.

Anyway some pictures: all from a night at training group

posted by @ 9:21 PM   0 comments
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I am just a veterinary student working my way through life.

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